Welcome to the World of Home Care Services

With an increasingly aging population in all developed societies, the role of home caregivers has been increasingly recognized as an important one, both functionally and economically. Home care has emerged as a positive solution to the complex problems in healthcare. Technological advances allow sophisticated medical treatments to be performed in the home.

Home care is a safe and less costly alternative to nursing homes. You have come into a challenging but rewarding career and it is my pleasure to welcome you as a new staff member. You are going to be part of an organization that prides itself on honesty, integrity, and compassionate service to our patients.

With the commitment of our hardworking staff, we will all be able to successfully serve the home care needs of our communities for years. As you come on board with us either as our caregiver or a client, we will tell you what we expect of you and what you can also expect from ConnectCare Services, LLC. We look forward to a long and reciprocally beneficial relationship with you, providing perfect, patient-centered home care in your home environment.

Once again, welcome aboard.

Anku E. Golloh, Ph.D. Executive Director